Journey Update: December 2021

December seems to be a busy month for most of us. Christmas functions and family get-togethers fill the calendar rather quickly. We pray you all have a wonderful season celebrating the birth of Jesus with your family, friends, and church family. His coming changed the big world and His coming into my life changed my little world. I would not want to imagine my life without Jesus. By His grace, I am a happy and excited follower of Jesus.

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Journey Update: June 2021

To say that our world here and abroad has changed in the last year is a big understatement. Cultural attitudes and societal norms have shifted. As a Christian, I have begun to think more deeply about the implications these things will have on the church going forward. I wonder how long it will be before our American culture revs up its opposition toward Christianity bringing about open persecution. This is not a popular topic but a real possibility.

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Journey Update: May 2021`

(Online Version of Pathway Outreach Ministries’ Monthly Update)

Featured Photo: Meal preparation for our Haitian students.

When I think about the month of May, I think of several things. In my student days and years in education, I eagerly looked forward to the school year coming to an end. I also think of Mother’s Day which is the second Sunday in May. So happy Mother’s Day to all you wonderful mothers; I pray you have a great celebration with your families. Other events in May for me is about birthdays; my birthday, Jennie’s birthday, and also Lizzy, our granddaughter’s birthday is in May. So it is an eventful month for our family.

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Journey Update: November 2020

Can you believe it’s November? I’m ready for COVID-19, elections, and hot weather to be over with. Anyone with me on this? “I see that hand!!”

The deadline for our CareBox Project for our children in Haiti will be Tuesday, November 10th at noon. We will be shipping them out that afternoon making their long journey to our facilities outside of Leogane, Haiti. We greatly appreciate each individual and church that helps us with this project. It blesses a bunch of children. Thank you all so much.

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