Spiritual Victory

The struggle between spirituality and carnality is a constant in this life. The solution from a religious standpoint is usually backwards and unproductive, which is an attempt to beat back fleshly desires with our own willpower.

It is too easy to criticize those who struggle with a problem that we do not struggle with. Those who are not addicted to drugs, may say something like. “They just need to stop it!” My response to that is, “Okay, go lose ten pounds and keep it off for a year, and come back and tell me how easy it is!”

Spiritual victory over fleshly desires is won from the spiritual side not from a beat-down of the fleshly side. I like to use the illustration of a playground see-saw. One side is the spiritual and the other side is the carnal—when one goes up, the other goes down, and vice-versa. If our spiritual life is up, the carnality goes down. If our spiritual life goes down, the pull of carnality goes up.

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Invisible Forces

Sounds spooky, doesn’t it? Well, it is something to be concerned about. Just as a kid who is afraid of the dark, he may feel more comfortable with his head covered by a pillow, but it adds no protection. We too, prefer to put these invisible forces out of our minds, but that does nothing to protect us. There are real unseen forces of evil set on destruction and chaos.

One of the most revealing scriptures that paints a picture of these invisible forces is found in the Bible, in the Book of Daniel.

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Have You Considered My Servant?

There are two interesting conversations in the Bible between God and Satan in the beginning chapters of the Book of Job. The scene was apparently in the spiritual realm where the “sons of God” (most likely angels) came before God. Satan, a rebellious castaway angel, appeared in the same gathering. God begins the conversation with Satan about Job, “Then the LORD said to Satan, “Have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil” (Job 1:8 NKJV)?

I am not going to tell the whole story about Job’s trials, temptations, and then his eventual two-fold restoration. Today, I am more interested in God’s all-knowing perspective about Job.

Satan did not begin the conversation about Job. God asked a straightforward question to Satan, knowing Satan’s evil heart as his very name “Satan” means adversary. God was basically boasting about Job, saying, “there is none like him on the earth.”

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Grasshopper Mentality

When Moses sent twelve spies to scout out the land of promise, only two, Caleb and Joshua, brought back a good report. The other ten were fearful of the inhabitants. This is what the fearful spies said, “There we saw the giants (the descendants of Anak came from the giants); and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight” (Num. 13:33 NKJV).

The evil report of the fearful spies resulted in their own immediate death by a plague. A judgment against the older generation of those twenty years old and above would prevent them from entering the land and result in their death in the desert wilderness over a forty-year period of time. The whole nation’s entry into the promised land would be delayed forty years.

Remember the identity problem the ten fearful spies had? “We were like grasshoppers in our own sight.” What causes people to have a grasshopper mentality? These spies were looking at their own shortcomings, inabilities, and weakness; while not believing in the strength, greatness, and power of God.

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Shadow of Darkness

In the history of the world, there have been seasons or eras of great darkness. One example in the last century was the Great Depression which was sandwiched between the two Great World Wars. These three events cast a dark shadow over the world for about thirty-one continuous years. The world has been under a shadow of darkness since the fall of man in the book of Genesis.

Amid this darkness, there have been periods of relative peace and prosperity. Jesus spoke about this darkness and His light, “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world” (John 16:33 NKJV).

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Chaos of the World

There is so much that seems to be out of control. Chaos abounds in the world at levels we have not seen in many decades. We have the first sniffs of possible nuclear war since the early sixties. Eggs cost about forty percent more than a year ago. There is a determined assault on families, the foundation of ordered society. Violence against the innocent and death by drugs have increased with only nominal attention from the media and little outrage from leaders.

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Confusion and Chaos

The malicious destroyer scans his evil eyes over the landscape of a people who were at peace and prosperous. He knew his labor was not to convince but to deceive. He was trained in the principles of life and order in the Creation of the world, yet he rebelled against all that was good and holy and right. Whatever God was for, he was against.

He set his sights on two brothers named Confusion and Chaos and began the process of their wicked apprenticeship.

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Suffering and the Kingdom

I remember some of the old timers from our valley and ridges talking about folks who were going through difficult times and using the rhetorical phrase, “I don’t know how they have ‘walkin’ around sense?”

That’s the truth. When you look at the suffering of some folks, you think, “How do they keep their senses about them?” I am amazed how some people go through horrific things and seem to weather the storm with supernatural strength. Well, it is with supernatural strength. God gives the that extra “Umph!” to get them over the line.

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