Thankful for the Ordinary

Most of us are thankful for the big stuff. You know, like, coming out of a horrific accident without a scratch, the birth of a child, etc. All these type things are certainly ‘thanks worthy’ and then some!

But did you thank God when you opened your eyes to a new day? What about going to the bathroom without difficulty? Did you open your faucet to get a drink of water without even a thought of it making you sick or the fact you didn’t have to carry water into your house in a bucket? What about getting more comfortable by pushing a button on a thermostat?

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Above Ground and Limber (Be Thankful)

Some years back, I called to check on a longtime friend; he answered the phone and I asked him how he was doing. His answer, “Well brother, I’m above ground and limber!” [Thanks Bro. William Borden for that one-liner; I have often used it since that day.] After the two years we all have been through, if you are reading this—you got through it. Yep, you are “above ground and limber!” Be Thankful!

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Journey Update: November 2021

Journey Update: November 2021I flipped my office calendar to November and just like that, our slow dance of 2021 is soon coming to an end. The next two months will be filled with holiday celebrations of Thanksgiving and Christmas. We pray you have a great Thanksgiving with your loved ones this month and remember amidst all the turkey and dressing, thank God for your many blessings. This past year has been difficult for many families, yet we can see the good hand of God in our lives.

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Things As Well With Me As They Are

I remember some of the old timers testifying in my childhood country church, “I thank the Lord, that things are as well with me as they are!” If you had asked them to explain, they would have added: “There are a whole bunch of people who are in worse shape than me. I may not be rich, but I have enough. I am so thankful for what I do have. I could be dead. I should be dead. I can still do for myself. God has been good to me and mine.”

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On Being Thankful

I called an ole friend who had been sick; immediately upon his answering, I asked him, “How are you doing?”  He replied, “I’m above ground and limber!” meaning of course, he was still alive.  There was thankfulness in his voice because whatever lingering pains he may have had, he was nonetheless glad to be alive.  I liked his reply and have borrowed it.

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