Journey Update: August 2021

Monthly Newsletter of Pathway Outreach Ministries

My fellow gardeners know the pain of dying squash vines.  They produce a bounty of squash and then the enemy of all squash, the infamous vine borer destroys the plant.  This year, I staggered my plants over one month apart to extend my harvest.  Now the squash are all gone but the okra is coming in like an ocean wave.

In our spiritual walk, we sometimes feel as though we plant seeds that the enemy quickly destroys but then we are blessed by the seeds that begin to produce a bountiful harvest.  The moral of this story, just keep planting seeds!  “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart” (Galatians 6:9 NKJV). 

One of the weapons of the enemy is discouragement (another word for weariness).  If he can discourage us then he wins the battle.  We must stay in the fight for the souls of men and the Kingdom of God.  For almost two years, most of us have had to fight the feeling of discouragement as never before.  The Word of God, prayer, relationship with God, fellowship of the saints, and the comfort of the Holy Spirit has sustained and encouraged us all.

We appreciate your encouragement, prayers, and support not just over the last two years but for decades.  The administrative and ministry activities of this ministry is one side of our responsibilities but the spiritual side is an unseen aspect that is hard to explain.  In the spiritual realm there is a continual battle against the enemy that tries to disrupt, distract, divert, divide, and destroy.  I give him a “D” for effort (the alliteration in the previous sentence) but an “F” as in failure to succeed in his effort.  He’s killed a few vines but we still have bountiful fruit. 

I am in constant contact with our ministry partners around the world.  We are feeding hungry bellies and feeding hungry souls—that is all I know to do. The Lord has promised me that there would always be bread and there has always been bread.  He fed at least three million Hebrews in a desert for forty years with manna from heaven.  He is still the same God, why would we ever doubt His power to sustain?  I plan to be His servant who has only two options of outcome—a servant of faith or a fool.  I had rather die a fool in the eyes of the world than a doubter in the eyes of God.

HAITI EARTHQUAKE UPDATE: Haiti was hit with a powerful earthquake on Saturday morning, August 14, 2021.  It was a 7.2 magnitude earthquake with the epicenter about 4 miles from L’Asile, Haiti on the western side of the island country.  The epicenter was about 78 miles west of the capital city of Port au Prince.  This earthquake was a little stronger than the 7.0 earthquake in 2010 but hit a less populated area in the west.  The death toll in 2010 has been estimated to be about 220,000 people. 

Fortunately for our people, the epicenter was located about 50 miles west of our church and school in Léogâne, Haiti.  I talked with Pastor Baptiste on Saturday morning shortly after the earthquake and he said they were okay and all our buildings were not affected.  They felt a significant tremor but suffered no damage.  We thank God for their safety while praying for those affected in the western end of the island.  

The death toll reported as of August 22, 2021 was about 2,200 people.

The political instability of the country and the violence associated with the gangs who control some of the transportation routes makes the situation even more difficult.

Please pray for all the families, churches, and businesses impacted in Haiti.  We have sent funds to Haiti which is being used to provide food items for the people in the affected area. Pastor Baptiste along with other pastors who are members of a league of pastors in Leogane joined together to assist people in the area. This is where our funds were used. We appreciate those who have helped us with this relief.

We appreciate all of our partners who help us with our ongoing mission effort around the world.  God has bountifully blessed us through you.  Praise God and thank you!

Thanks again for all your support and prayers. Rejoicing in the salvation which is by grace through faith, I am…

Yours on the Journey,

Harry L. Whitt

Pathway Outreach Ministries

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