Keep the Faith: Don’t Fret Over the World

All the great kingdoms that fill our history books such as the Babylonians, Medes-Persians, Greeks, and Romans have a date of their demise. In their day they controlled much of the civilized world, held sway over peoples, wealth, and resources. Their rulers held tyrannical control over peoples and lands. Those rulers are now dead, and their kingdoms fragmented and destroyed.

In the book of Daniel, the King of Babylon had a dream of an image, and the prophet Daniel told him the dream and interpreted it describing those empires mentioned above. The image was of a man made of gold, silver, bronze, iron, and clay representing those different kingdoms (see Daniel 2:31-33).

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Spiritual Victory

The struggle between spirituality and carnality is a constant in this life. The solution from a religious standpoint is usually backwards and unproductive, which is an attempt to beat back fleshly desires with our own willpower.

It is too easy to criticize those who struggle with a problem that we do not struggle with. Those who are not addicted to drugs, may say something like. “They just need to stop it!” My response to that is, “Okay, go lose ten pounds and keep it off for a year, and come back and tell me how easy it is!”

Spiritual victory over fleshly desires is won from the spiritual side not from a beat-down of the fleshly side. I like to use the illustration of a playground see-saw. One side is the spiritual and the other side is the carnal—when one goes up, the other goes down, and vice-versa. If our spiritual life is up, the carnality goes down. If our spiritual life goes down, the pull of carnality goes up.

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What Has Changed? Times or People

Recently when I was preaching, I said something that really resonated with my audience. The statement I made was this: “Often people will say that times have changed. But that is not true. Times have not changed; it is people that have changed.”

The rural community I lived in as a boy was not perfect. We had a few rough folks living among us. The little farmhouse we lived in had a screen door and wood door with the top third being three panes of glass. It had a lock, but I never saw the key to it. We never locked the front door. We would sleep inside with an unlocked door. In the summertime every window would be raised and only a flimsy screen separated us from the boogey man outside.

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Spoiled Brats

Jeremiah asked God why the wicked prospered while the good folks suffered. It is an age-old question that God has been asked perhaps zillion of times. God answers Jeremiah beginning with this statement:

“If you have run with the footmen, and they have wearied you, Then how can you contend with horses? And if in the land of peace, In which you trusted, they wearied you, Then how will you do in the floodplain of the Jordan?” (Jeremiah 12:5 NKJV).

If you are lost in the imagery and the history of God’s answer, let me simplify it for you. Basically, if you have struggled in good times, how will you fare when it really gets tough.

If you freak out when you forget to get your favorite coffee K-cups, how will you cope if there is no coffee?

There are many people in the United States who are suffering through terrible difficulties. I have friends right now who are going through their own hell. This post is not about those with legitimate difficulties. Bear with me, while I make the comfortable, uncomfortable.

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Grasshopper Mentality

When Moses sent twelve spies to scout out the land of promise, only two, Caleb and Joshua, brought back a good report. The other ten were fearful of the inhabitants. This is what the fearful spies said, “There we saw the giants (the descendants of Anak came from the giants); and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight” (Num. 13:33 NKJV).

The evil report of the fearful spies resulted in their own immediate death by a plague. A judgment against the older generation of those twenty years old and above would prevent them from entering the land and result in their death in the desert wilderness over a forty-year period of time. The whole nation’s entry into the promised land would be delayed forty years.

Remember the identity problem the ten fearful spies had? “We were like grasshoppers in our own sight.” What causes people to have a grasshopper mentality? These spies were looking at their own shortcomings, inabilities, and weakness; while not believing in the strength, greatness, and power of God.

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And the WORD Is…

If you have traveled to a foreign country and not been able to communicate, you quickly appreciate the ability to understand a word. The very concept of a “word” is amazing because it brings understanding from one person to another. The important thing about a word is the meaning or concept behind it. A written word without a meaning is nothing more than random marks on a page.

The Gospel of John begins with a description of “the Word”. In the context of the first chapter, it is undeniably a synonym of Jesus Christ. Grammatically, it is very simply stated, yet it is a very deep concept. It says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1 NKJV).

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The Value of Life

People are more than globs of carbon compounds organized by DNA. We, yes, you and I, were created and designed by God, in His own image. In the second chapter of the Bible, the declaration is made, “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being” (Gen. 2:7 NKJV).

For all of you animal lovers, yes, treat your critters humanely, but they are not equal with us. Human beings are at the apex of the creature pyramid. Our eyes are on the front of our heads which makes us a predator. A five-hundred-pound black bear is much more likely to run from us than attack.

We are not gods, but we do have the spark of divinity in us. We were created in the image of God. Just as God exists as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, so he created us as a triune being with a spirit, soul, and body.

The main point to this: We were created in the image of God with a soul, and everyone is inherently spiritual. A person is a spiritual being regardless of their morals or religious leanings, people can be spiritually righteous or spiritually evil.

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