Spiritual Victory

The struggle between spirituality and carnality is a constant in this life. The solution from a religious standpoint is usually backwards and unproductive, which is an attempt to beat back fleshly desires with our own willpower.

It is too easy to criticize those who struggle with a problem that we do not struggle with. Those who are not addicted to drugs, may say something like. “They just need to stop it!” My response to that is, “Okay, go lose ten pounds and keep it off for a year, and come back and tell me how easy it is!”

Spiritual victory over fleshly desires is won from the spiritual side not from a beat-down of the fleshly side. I like to use the illustration of a playground see-saw. One side is the spiritual and the other side is the carnal—when one goes up, the other goes down, and vice-versa. If our spiritual life is up, the carnality goes down. If our spiritual life goes down, the pull of carnality goes up.

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