Blood, Sweat, and Tears (Memorial Day)

My father, T. V. Whitt was on Okinawa when the Japanese surrendered to end World War II in 1945. I heard him recount with tears that when he left the island headed for home, he looked at the graves of the fallen and thought, “I am headed home to my two little children, but these will not be going home to their little children.”

He came home and continued his family to add three more kids and live to within seven days of the age of ninety. The moment was not lost on him of the great sacrifice given by the dead soldiers, marines, and sailors.

The victories of life afforded our children are won by tears (pain and suffering), sweat (labor and toil), and blood (the sacrifice of injury and ultimately of life).

Every generation wants their children to have more opportunities than they had. I am of the generation known as the baby boomers (post war babies). Many of our fathers and mothers had only minimal educational opportunities. Daddy had a ninth-grade education and mother finished the sixth grade. They made sure their children had all the education they wanted to pursue.

It breaks my heart to say this, but today, we live in a very different country than my father fought for and where he came home to live and work. On this memorial day, I pray that we do not squander the opportunities, freedoms, and blessings men and women died for in the defense of our liberties.

The road my generation and younger have traveled has been paved. Our fathers and mothers traveled a dusty road and settled its dust by their tears, sweat, and blood. Please do not let the road be overtaken by neglect, ignorance, laziness, or wickedness.

Today we honor the fallen in battle. The month of May is a memorial month in many local cemeteries. Here in the South many church cemeteries have what we call “Decoration Day” where fresh flowers cover the graves of our loved ones who have passed. Many of the veterans have small American flags flying at their headstones.

As a Christian, I do not believe the dead actively speak to the living. But figuratively they do—by their sacrifice of blood, sweat, and tears. This is what they may be telling us: “Do not lose what we fought and died to win, do not lose what we worked to earn, and do not lose what we suffered to keep. Be thankful for what we gave you and do not squander the opportunity of liberty, abundance, and heritage. At least hold the ground and give your children what we left you! Don’t lose it!”

To those who served and died, we salute you. We are thankful for your service and sacrifice. Today we remember! Tomorrow we may take your place.

You shall not remove your neighbor's landmark, which the men of old have set, in your inheritance which you will inherit in the land that the LORD your God is giving you to possess. 
(Deuteronomy 19:14 NKJV)

Yours on the Journey,

Harry L. Whitt

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